Tomorrow marks number eleven!
We have been very busy over the last eleven years. May 9, 1998. Our wedding day.
Now, tomorrow is our anniversary of course! It has gone by very quickly I would have to say. For the past decade we have been immersed in pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and of course all the different stages of life we have been through. We have seen births, we have seen death. We have seen happy and we have sad. We have seen in sickness, and in health.
Right now, I would say we are in the to love and to cherish. We have so much to be thankful for in our eleven years. Not the easiest of years, but years that we are glad we experienced. Of course, there will be no babies coming into our family. But we look forward to watching the kids grow up.
So much to look forward to. I can only imagine what the next years will look like! I just see so much happy! I guess I see life with rose coloured glasses. Well I try anyways!
Cliff is golfing in a tournament that honours his Dad. It is put on by his Dad's company. And my Mom in Law gets to hand out the trophy to the winner. And I will be shooting boudoir tomorrow. And tomorrow night, out for dinner. We will cheers to the past eleven years, and cheers to the future!
The kids, well they will have a sitter for the night. And, in a couple of weeks from now will be driving away for two nights. A get away. Thank you to my Sister Amy and Uncle Tyler for that gift. The gift of sitting. So many thanks for that. A get away!
We are looking forward to that. Last year, at number ten we didn't really do anything as Cliff's Dad was nearing the end of his life and we didn't really feel much like celebrating. So, this year we celebrate. We need it! BAD!
We planned our wedding right! Mothers Day is on Sunday. It is a weekend of celebrating!