Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not much to say again

Me having something like my fifth glass of wine! (OK so I am making up for lost time...so what!!)

I think I was maybe dancing back there, or showing off my muscles (the kids ask me to do this for them!)

Cliff and Cathy (with two peepers on the top of the stairs)

The eight of us...

The nine of us...

I am afraid my blog is getting really boring. I go through these phases. With so much on the go, and so much going on. This poor blog is the last to get the love. I have my eggs in so many baskets. And, with this non running business aka injury. I am not really enjoying blogging that much.

We had a nice Easter at my parentals over the weekend. I will snag some photos from her, for this blog (thanks MOM!) I drank wine, I ate lots of dessert (OK two servings and ice cream right Nick!! ) and two servings of dinner. It was really good. The kids had fun playing restaurant. They kept taking our orders which was really cute.

Anyways. That was Easter! Next up...Caroline's 3rd birthday...and what I should be writing here is that my marathon is the day after. But you all know that I won't be running. I will be trying some new things around here. I need to keep active somehow. So, I am researching, and I will come up with a good plan.


AmberW said...

I know those slumps all too well...
Nothing wrong with that. I would say that you are a little MORE than busy in your neck of the woods, so you update when you can :)
I miss those kiddos... I will have to visit again soon!

Anonymous said...

Nice pic of the two of you-: and of the whole family!thinking of you..

Yvonne said...

You sound a little down my dear!! No worries about the blog; update when YOU want it is YOUR blog!! Hope things look up soon for you!

Allyson said...

Momma will get her groove back you can be sure of that. And the dancing was before the wine. When the Arabic Groove came on, the Aporta Girls rocked the house!

Alyson said...

your blog is never boring my friend...just blog after the 4th glass of wine ;)
oh wine....I miss it.
I knew you and I had stuff in common ;)
I hope your rehab is going well.
I sympathize. sucks.