Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I don't feel like myself

I seriously don't feel like myself with my dark hair. Why oh why do I do this?! I just want to go back and get my blonde back, but after spending WAY too much to get it this way I just will have to wait. I even asked my kids and they said I look better with my light hair. I think that blondes have more fun (well atleast me anyways!) I think I look older like this. I don't know.

Anyways, tonight I am off to hill training. Eight blasted hills! Long HILLS! So, I need to prepare for that!


Anonymous said...

Cath; you're probably still going through "hair shock" and plus, you're USED to being blonde. I know what you mean b/c when I have gone another direction with a different colour I feel the same way... and I always come back to blonde too. But at least you tried something different, something new... you could have stayed stagnant forever... :-) I think it suits you and I think the kids say "better as a blonde" b/c they KNOW you blonde. :-) Hang in there. It'll only be another few weeks b4 you can "correct it", unless you try a home jobbie? If you're brave enough. Love you. Andrea xo
p.s. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new header and blog page. Looks great! I love that b/w photo of you (just your smile). You should blow that up and have it in your house somewhere. Really... :-) xo

Anonymous said...

Cathy - You told me to NEVER let you go dark EVER again... And then you went ahead and dyed your hair without consulting me first! It looks good - but I know how you feel... All of us "blondes" have been there!


Alyson said...

You don't look older...Old people don't go out for 30kms runs ;)

AmberW said...

I want a picture....