Wednesday, September 19, 2007

One Organized Chick Recognized!

I don't usually toot my own horn, but when something exciting happens in my life I just have to share with you all. My organizing blog called One Organized Chick was added to a blog roll by thee John Trosko of OrganizingLA. I am so excited!

Here is my post from my organizing blog. If you click on the links, you can see for yourself.

I hope you check it out!

one nest at a time,



Allyson said...

I am going to scope it out right now! But I loved how he said on his site: "you can organize Canada"! Way to go my darling daughter! So proud of you.

Unknown said...

Bravo Cathy! This is splendid! So proud of you and sticking to it.
I see that you updated your profile mentioning your almost six kids. :-)
Eat your heart out, Helen Buttegieg.(sp) haha
Lots of love and admiration,

Alyson said...


Anonymous said...

YAAAAAYYYY That is so awesome.

I haven't looked at your Organized Chick for a long time (since my Blue Laundry Basket took a break). Too many things on my mind lately.

But I am looking forward to getting back into doing my condo and will be devouring your ideas.

Good Going, Cathy.

Kerry said...

That is so AWESOME! Way to go! I swear one day we will see you on Oprah! :)