Tuesday, September 04, 2007

An accident, and a success...

How is the potty training going? Well, yesterday Catie had a minor pee accident in her bed. Easily solved with a a bit of laundry, and a reminder of where pee goes. She has spent more time in undies, than a diaper the past while.

So, today after our first day of school. Catie says from the washroom "I went poo poo!!!" and I said "Where did you go poo poo?" and Catie says "In the toilet!" so I make my way to the washroom and low and behold a big log in the toilet, and she hops off with her bum in the air for me to wipe her! I happy clapped, and was so EXCITED!! It was like we won the lottery! And, then...we called Daddy on the phone so she could share her good news!!

It could be possible that she is trained by her third birthday this weekend! *containing excitement!!*

Yay Catie!!! We are so proud of you!!


Allyson said...

Pappa and I are doing a happy clap too for our big Catie-girl!

And Cathy this happy clap is for you too! clapclapclap clap clap!!

Hopefully daddy wasn't in the "mayor's" chair attending another meeting when Catie called ha ha!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think that is JUST GREAT news! Good for you Catie ~ happy for you Mom and Dad. Now... wanna take on our little guy? (You know, show him the ropes?) (Yup you guessed it ~ still a no go for us ~ in either #1 or #2 dept.!)
Love and kisses; miss you guys.
Andrea xo

Unknown said...

Go Catie Go! Keep up your good do-do deeds!! (I'm LOL at the thought of Catie with her bum in the air)
Love you

Irma said...

Would you like to train our Katie??? Since you're on a roll....(-:

Kerry said...

Yay! Success! Keep up the good work!

Hope Walls said...

My fingers are crossed for you...

PamnPat'sParadise said...

Yay Catie!!! Big claps and cheers from the D's in the wack!!!

cathy said...

Well, so far. Catie took off her night diaper. And, put on undies. She has gone pee all day in the toilet. Even after a nap. She went pee. Even playing in the park at school she had to go pee. So far so good!

And this is no "training" just Catie led which seems to work the best! No pressure! I am so happy. Hopefully another poop today!

Carol Kerfoot said...

I am waiting for Meggie and Tessa led....