Sunday, December 23, 2007

Singing for Starbucks!

Cliff and I headed out to go do boxing day brunch shopping tonight, and we decided to drive-thru Starbucks and pick up some peppermint mochas (well decaf for me and Mom in Law) and she said how would you like to have free your order free tonight? And we said of course, how? Well you need to sing Jingle Bells and your order is free. So, we sang! And we got our order free!

What a nice surprise! What a nice treat! Then we came home, watched half of Amazing Race and got the groceries put away. And, I did 2 more loads of laundry...yup. And there is already a pile waiting for tomorrow!

Well, sweet dreams!


AmberW said...

I LOVE me some Christmas Cheer!! Glad to hear you guys were able to get out and do your shopping for Boxing Day. That's Andrew's birthday :) He is making us all a sushi spread... yes I think it is a bit backwards but it was his choice:)

Have a very very Merry Christmas Cathy. And I really hope your little people are all feeling better by Christmas Day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy,

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

I hope your children feel better for tomorrow,

Enjoy all your blessings and all the best in the new year.

Haley aka Mum to 5 in Aldergrove.

cathy said...

Amber: Have a lovely Christmas with your sweet family and friends!

Haley: You enjoy your holiday season with your family and friends!
