Monday, March 05, 2007

If I purged my clothing

I seriously would have nothing left. I was looking in my closet, and it is seriously sad. And basically the rule of thumb for purging clothing is that if you have not worn something in your closet for the last 6 months to 1 year to get rid or donate that article of clothing. The experts say it is OK to keep a piece or two of your "dream" size but get rid of the rest. Well, if I did that I seriously would have zip left. Just think, over the past 8 years, I have been pregnant 6 times. 5 full term pregnancies, 5 postpartum wardrobes, in between wardrobes, different sized bras for different occasions. Different kinds of underwear for different reasons. I would say most of my wardrobe would be too small. Hardly any of it is "just right." because I refuse to stay in this wardrobe for very long (even though it has been almost 8 months in it)

I already gave away my larger sizes. But, I am hoping to fit back into my smaller wardrobe. I love that wardrobe. It is more like me, not the yuck reflection that stares back in the mirror on a daily basis. I don't like that size and I don't like my reflection.

I am in serious need of a clothing overhaul. comes that BUT. That word always gets in the way for me. I DON'T want to spend money on a wardrobe to just lose weight and have to give those clothes away too. I cannot justify that loss of money. But, do I have to walk around like a slobby housewife? I want to feel good at the same time. Recently as you all know, I bought a new bra (an expensive one at that) and then 4 pairs of nice underwear. Do I want to lose weight and then have them all fall off of me? Then I have to buy more.

I am tired of feeling all flabby though. I am tired of looking at photographs of myself and going, ewhhhhh. Who is that person staring back at me? That is not the person that I was 8 years ago. Where did all of that flab come from? I love my kids, but I don't love my body. Even when I get "smaller" I am scared of all of the loose skin that will be hanging in my midsection. I cannot afford to get new clothing let alone plastic surgery to get a tummy tuck, or a breast lift. But, how good would those surgeries make me feel? Probably really good if I could just get the motivation. I am on a wait list to get my varicose veins taken care of. That surgery is going to change my view on my body image. I will be able to wear a skirt, or pants or nice shoes without the veins interfering on my femininity. I always refer to my leg as my "Dad" leg. I love my Dad, but I don't love my veins. I cannot wait to have that taken care of. Soon, very soon. Maybe that will be the start to my weigh loss journey. Those veins make me feel very self conscience.

So really, I have a problem with losing the weight. Why? Because I feel that IF I get to where I really want to be, I will not have the means to get the items I want done. And so I say to myself. Why bother. Why bother.

But I have 6 people in my life that depend on me, and I want to be there for them all. So, why can I not do it? Why do I feel so blah and ho hum about it all? I am in a rut I guess.

I guess I have to do it for myself. And I have to be the one to set the wheels in motion. Am I not worth it? Yes, I am. Do I have the time? Well, if I could wake up early enough I could. But...there is that but again. Caroline is usually up 1-2 times per night. So, I am usually feeding her when I could be on the treadmill. I could go and exercise when all of the kids are in bed. But, that is my ONLY time with another adult, and that person also happens to be my husband. We need "our" time too. It sure is hard to find that balance. What is a busy Mom supposed to do?

So, simply purging a closet is the easy part, deeper problems are the issue. Not the clothing. Usually purging is that way. There are usually issues behind the clutter.

So, what can I gain from getting to where I want to be? What am I so afraid of?


LauraC said...

Oh Cathy, you must start a group blog to talk about all of this! I have been thinking a lot about this... I have a trip to Florida in 3 weeks where I will be in a swimsuit. I have been procrastinating getting in shape because there always seems to be something higher on the priority list.

Always a big BUT and the biggest BUT is on me. hee hee (ooops, I should have saved that for the new blog!)

Carol Kerfoot said...

I can relate.
I love the idea of starting a blog about it. A support and motivation Blog. I would love to be one of the authors with you...pick me pick me....

Yvonne said...

I hope you don't mind me bugging you again but "here here" to this post as well. Isn't that it TIME! One thing is motivation, by looking in the mirror and at my wedding pic that gives me motivation. But it is when do I give up the time to exercise .... giving away time generally means giving up sleep and I am in major need of that!! BUT .... We can DO IT!!!

AmberW said...

Oh do I ever know how you feel. Booooo.... you know the most frustrating thing is? For Lent this year, I gave up ALL junk food. I am talking ALL junk food. No pop, no chips, no chocolate - nadda. Now, I was fat when I was eating all that crap, and guess what? I am still fat without it. What the beep?!?!?! That is so stinkin' unfair. And you are right - there are times that I know that I could be exercising, but when those times come around I think - geez, I could be resting, blogging, spending time with my husband. UGH... I am right there with you Cathy. Right there with you. We'll get there. I promise, we'll get there.

cathy said...

So? Should I? And what to call it? We need a competiton lol! I would LOVE to go on this journey with ALL of you!

Anonymous said...

Hey cousin. Hang in there girl. One day it will start happening. You are an EXTREMELY busy mama and a GOOD LOOKIN' mama too. Think about what your body has been through over the past (how many years?) pregnancies. You are NOT the only one in the family that can't "bounce" back. Weight is an issue in our family... You know that. It's tough to loose it, especially when you can't take the time to devote yourself to it (or would rather do something else with your quality (me) time...) I can understand where you are coming from... and I feel for you for no matter what people say about you etc. if YOU don't feel it then how can you accept it from others; right?
I love you. Andrea
p.s. IF YOU DO purge your clothes, send them my way, k? xo

Carol Kerfoot said...

YES! I will pick my brain and try to find some suggestions!

Yvonne said...

How about "The Diet Dilemmas" or not ... give me more time to stew on it.

Debbie said...

Oh, Man! Dito to all the others who commented and to your post! It is just cruel what we mom's put ourselves through mentally after what our poor bodies have gone through physically! Isn't it? Sigh. Well, one little thing that I do and it seems a little silly, but it sometimes just perks me up and makes me feel like I did "something" AND THAT IS........ I do little things throughout the day...... like if I am playing blocks on the floor with the kids I just roll over and do 20 push-ups (the kids think it is just hillarious!) or I will walk into the family room and do some squats or lunges. If you do it a few times throughout the day, you could have done 30-60 squats and not even noticed! It's hard to remember to do, but when I do it, I feel great! ??? Oh, and sometimes I make excuses for myself to run up and down the stairs to get things..... ya, not very efficient!! but hey! my legs are moving!! LOL!!
We are all with ya! Big HUGS!!

Carol Kerfoot said...

"Why Weight"

I came up with this because I am always waiting for something to get back into shape....what the heck am I waiting for?

cathy said...

"Why Weight" That is PERFECT!! Good one Carol!

Now, who wants to do this?!

I want to journal my experiences and help others!! What about you all?

Yvonne said...

That is awesome ... "Why Weight?" ! Diet Divas was another I thougt of but I like yours better. I'm interested if you'll have me ... not that we really know eachother ... I can use all the help I can get!!!!!!