The kids helped me. Cameron got the yellow recycling bag, the kids looked at old cards, we found some "treasures" for them to keep. Stamps, old stickers, some cards that they had made and received. We made it fun! They also kept all of my concert tickets to play with! I never imagined back then, that I would have kids that would use these stubs! How cool! What fun! Better than sitting in a plastic box!
Come on Kids...mommy is purging!! (again!!)
Well, what you see above is what I got rid of. Yes, got rid of. But you know what. I didn't get rid of the memories...I have those in my mind's eye. I just got rid of the paper part of the memory. That is not really the memory. Going through this stuff was way easier than I expected. I feel about 10 pounds lighter. Getting rid of some not so good memories. Stories of broken hearts, cards expressing sorrow and pain. It felt GREAT to let that all go! A weight has FINALLY been lifted.
Several weeks back I shredded high school papers and stuff from College. Marked papers that were not that great. WHY should I hold onto that memory??? WHY? So I can remember that I failed miserably at subjects at college? No thanks. I will cherish the times that were happy in my minds eye! That makes me HAPPY!!
I had fun reading letters and cards from my family! All of my family. I felt sad when I read my cards from special people that have passed on. That made me sad. I let those go too! Because the WONDERFUL memories are forever etched right into my heart!! A piece of paper will not capture that!
What did I keep? Way less than I imagined. I kept postcards that I will find a nice container to place by my phone, so I will be able to flip through them instead of hiding those great memories away. I can "visit" Paris, London, Camrose, Osoyoos and Barkerville in my spare time.
I also kept Thank You cards that were especially moving for me. To remind me that I am a valuable and productive person still!
I also grouped like with like. I put all family history like newspaper clippings, obituaries, and articles together.
I put all of my journals and calendars together. I am going to find a nice box to house them all so I can access them easy in my new office! What great reading. Tonight I called up my parents and read to them something from May 2nd 1986 on the first day of Expo 86! That was fun. They haven't responded...hmmm!!
I also kept some nice cards that Cliff and I gave to each other. That is our love right there...I got rid of a lot, but kept the significant ones.
I also put extra photos into my family photo box!
I am happy with my progress. I can probably use this bin for something else now! It is that empty!
Next, I will be tackling a big bag of stuff from my childhood. When my parents moved, they gave me a WONDERFUL bag full of my baby/childhood memories. I promised myself I would go through that when I had the time to enjoy going through it! Well, that will be in the next month or so! I cannot wait. I will keep the most important things, and let go of some as well. I am looking forward to it. I am greatful to my parents for saving these items for me. But, with 5 kids of my own. I have to make some decisions.
What are these decisions. Well, how much stuff do I want to save for my kids? How much space do I have to devote to this? Will the kids even WANT this stuff? What will be important to save, and what to toss. Right now, each of my kids have a card box, a big bin with stuff, a baby book and an baby calendar. Is that too much? Will I burden them with too many "things" or will they be happy with the memories in their minds eye?
I have decided I will save stuff for them until they are 16. When they are 16 I will give them their stuff. They can keep it, or get rid of it. I will NOT be hurt. I just want them to be happy. I hope by then I will have given them the tools to make proper purging decisions.
Will they REALLY want to keep all of the cards from the past 16 years? Will they be interested? I ask this because the cards I had from when I was 11, 12, 16 etc. They were OK to see. But, after awhile I just threw them directly into the recycling bin. I have my memories, and the paper ones well they were not important to me as I thought when I tucked them away many moons ago!
I wish I had your courage to purge old school, past stuff! You're right, no one can take your memories away! Atleast you can 'store' these in your mind forever.
I need to go through that WONDERFUL big bag of artwork's hiding underneath my bed. Collecting dust. Outta sight, outta mind. haha
I hope you didn't throw out your girlguide badges or badges of any sort--I could have used them on my badges board, grrr!
And to April, that's okay honey, you keep that bag under the bed, you have written such neat things in your grade school journals. Abby will want to see them someday. The E-clan will have to suffice with your memories!
I love you all! Mom xxxooo
YOU CAN DO the words of what's his name. Creator of the Mom brain strikes again!
Mom: I think you commented on this post, but it did not make it on here. I have kept my pins (for my own tack board) and I have kept the badges that mean the most...X0X0
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