Sunday, May 06, 2007

This photo was taken today around 4 pm. Catie is zonked on my chest, and Caroline was feeding and fell asleep on my chest. These are the moments when being a Mom mean the most.
These are the cherished moments of motherhood!


Carol Kerfoot said...

Thats the good stuff that makes it all worth it. SO sweet.

Yvonne said...

Priceless! Kids are look so sweet when the fall asleep like this ... all tuckered out! How is it going being pregos and nursing?

Alyson said...

You are so right. Nothing like taking the time to just stop everything and nurture their little souls.

Anonymous said...

My dad's famous line... "Cherish the moment!" (And I believe in it!)
Looks like you should have closed your peepers too! :-) xo
Love you. Andrea xo

cathy said...


It is hard to nurse and be pregnant and care for 5 kids. Easier when Cliff is around for sure. I cherish that time together that is for sure.

AmberW said...

And great for you guys to get a picture of it. I think it is going to be tough to remember all the small things - but these are one of the times that you were able to capture the moment and remember it forever. Beautiful pic!

Allyson said...

Aww, I wish you were sleeping too, my hard working little Momma! Too sweet, and yes, as Uncle Richard says, "Cherish the Moment!"

Anonymous said...

What a lovely captured moment in time, Cath.