I am at almost 100,000 visitors to my blog. Only 479 more visitors to go!
I think that is incredible. Thank you to all of my faithful readers and the blog-stalkers.
Hmmm. Maybe just maybe my 100,000 will get something special from me. And maybe the person who guesses which day and time that will happen...will also receive something.
OHHH Fun!!!! I'm guessing In July For the 100,000th visitor!!!
I love reading your blog Cathy..
You are a popular lady !!!!
My guess is May 9th!!!!
and if I just keep checking and leaving comments can I get a prize??
Alyson! You were correct in the date!
do I get a prize? like one of your cameras?? oh ha ha ha ha hee hee hee!
Happy Anniversary by the way.
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