Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Caroline's Drs. Appt.

I had my doctors appt, and then Caroline had her 4 month check up, and her 3 immunizations. She cried so hard. But, they needed to get done. She survived.

Caroline is in the 90th percentile for height and weight. She is not suffering that is for sure. Dr. D said I could start her on solids whenever I felt like it, but he said she has more than doubled her birthweight and would be fine without it. He said, "Just use common sense." And that is what we do.

He also gave me a huge compliment about our family. He always tells me what a great family I have. And he also told me that our great kids are not a result of luck, but the result of great parenting. He said my 5 kids are way quieter and well behaved than some families with one or two kids. So, I said. "thank you." That was really nice to hear, especially because I was really feeling awful from my fever etc.

That is Caroline' update. I also let him know about her duplex kidney and the VCUG test on October 2nd. He also said this was a better diagnosis that the MCDK. As she has two functioning kidneys! Better than a child with MCDK because there is only one kidney functioning and there could be the risk of kidney failure of course, and only one kidney works when somebody has MCKD.

Whew. Next shots are booked for in November.

1 comment:

AmberW said...

Cathy I hope all is well. You haven't posted on your blog so I wanted to make sure everything is alright. Thinking of you and your little family!