Monday, November 27, 2006

Caroline's Check Up (Almost 7 months!)

Well, we had another power outage. This time, it lasted 9 hours. Yes, 9 long hours. Power came on around 2 pm! 4 hours earlier than BC Hydro stated on their emergency line!

We still made it to Caroline's appointment even with all of this snow!

She was overdue for her immunizations. She had 3 needles in her legs and boy did she let the doctor know she was not happy! Thankfully we are done now until she is 1 year old, and then at almost 19 months she will have her last set until she hits Kindergarten! She screamed and she was strong.
Miss Caroline weighed in today at a hefty and healthy 17 lbs. 11 oz! She was in the 75th percentile for head, height and weight!

So, Caroline is a happy and healthy gal!


Allyson said...

Way to go Mae Mae you tell that Dr. D. enough is enough! Oh Cathy you are doing really well for that little one but we knew it all along.

Why didn't you let us know your power didn't come on at 11 or whatever it was supposed to be????? Daddy thought it was left as, you would call us, if it didn't come back on. I feel so bad! :o(

I say we all move to sunny California!

Anonymous said...

Wow, she's doing so well! AND she's proportionate too! Prevail was 75th percentile for head, and only 40th for weight and height! They say he's healthy and it's good that his weight and height are in sync...he's just got a big head! So cute. Lol. We're hoping he'll grow in to it someday :0D