Thursday, November 30, 2006

snow is melting!

I am glad to see the snow melting! We are going a little (well OK A LOT) stircrazy in this house!!!!! We have been home for 3/4 school days this week. I am sure school will be back in tomorrow! Yipee! Happy Fridaay!

The kids have torn apart the house, and really I could care less. It can all be put back together tonight.

I personally cannot wait until bedtime. Catie did not nap today, and Caroline slept for very little. Makes for a couple (or 5) crankpots!! Oh, how my head throbs! I have had a headache all day long! Sleep will cure that.

I miss running too. I am hoping to go out with our group on Sunday morning for an 8k! That will be pure relief!

1 comment:

AmberW said...

Cathy we are going crazy over here too - too much snow, not enough running around and doing stuff time. Tomorrow I am throwing the kids out onto the back deck - that should tire them out. And I have three... I don't know how you do it sometimes!