Friday, November 17, 2006

power outage AGAIN, but longer this time!

Remember the previous power outage we had on Halloween, well that was nothing.

Our power went out on Wednesday around 1, and we went without power for 29 hours!

Thankfully we had the gas fireplace in the kitchen to keep warm with, but it was still very cold and dark!

And, of course the temporary tarp that was keeping the roof dry, blew right off. The rain and wind was unbelievable out here! Trees down, shrubs down, plastic bags flying, gutters blowing off houses, fence panels down, basket ball hoops tipped down, and siding blown off houses! We saw a lot of damage.

Thankfully the harsh winds and rain stopped during the Wednesday night and we went on a hunt for dinner (We drove everywhere but ended up waiting for 40 mins in a McD drive thru line up) came home, sat in the kitchen with lots of candles (it actually was quite beautiful by candlelight), but the romance of the evening was over when we all had to endure the cold beds, and scared kids! We left a flashlight on in the hallway for the kids! We all got cozy in the living room with the kids all around us before bed, and we talked a lot about when they were babies, and then we asked them who these would marry when they got older. Claire she said she was going to marry a Canadian soccer star, Carly well, she is going to marry a chef, and he would make her strawberries with chocolate, and Cameron said Saige wants to marry him. It turned into a nice night.

We all slept in until 7 am. We got ready for school, but school was cancelled. Cliff stayed home on Wednesday when the power was out to help me rest, and deal with my cyst. Thursday he went to work, and came home early.

We actually had our crockpot going on Wednesday when the power went out with turkey chili in it, and we had to call our neighbour and ask if she would keep our dinner plugged in! (Hoping the power would come back on by evening! NOT) And a flashlight plugged in too lol. Well, she kept it until yesterday!!

Yesterday (Thursday) was still cold in the house, but the rain stopped and we did a lot of driving around to drive thrus etc. Thankfully my mom in law was home, and we both entertained the kids. We did charades, guessing games, books, simon says etc. The kids had fun. We made the most of the weather, and didn't let it get us down. A new roofer tarped up our house, and we are set until they can put a new roof on! Cliff came home a bit early. As, I had yet another doctors appointment.

Last night, we got a call from our wonderful neighbour Joan (the same neighbour who helped us shop vac the water when the washing machine went!) she had our crockpot going, and she put in garlic bread for us. We all had dinner there, and dessert and the kids played with her son, Thomas. Then, when her hubby Chris came home he said our power was on! Just as he was driving down our street. We thanked her, we headed across the street and home, and her hubby carried the crockpot back to our home and we got ready for bed. That was just before 8 pm. Now, we have a water restriction!! What next really?!

Today, was just a normal day. Uneventful.


Mrs. Merriman said...

My goodness!! I hope that you will be better by next weekend for the Christmas party!

Anonymous said...

Cath - felt your pain, anger, frustration and boredom... What to do with kids when the power is out? Our area had the power out from 12:30 Wed. afternoon until Thurs. approx. same time. Still not as many hours as you guys but horrible just the same. Had our gas fireplace going all night Wed. and extra blankets on our bed and Matty's. He was unsure what it was all about and of course kept asking for "Lightning McQueen"??? (The Cars DVD which is his fav. of the moment...) Like you, try explaining that to a little one who really doesn't quite get it except that it's "dark" and "night-time" pretty much from the early afternoon on! LOL. He and I played with his cars and read by candlelight. I was able to warm up some of his food with the little hot water we had left in our tank and was even able to keep the routine of his bath! My shower in the morning was TOO cold... make up by candlelight and hair dried by the fire! Good thing we're not experiencing a hurricane or anything major, huh? LOL. I can only imagine what those people feel and go through - nothing like a few hours w/out heat and light and all the luxuries that we take for granted... On a good note the GVRD has lifted the boil advisory for all areas EXCEPT for Burnaby and Greater Vanc. We're back to normal for now, until the next storm comes... when's that? Oh, Sunday I think they said...
(Oh yeah, we had the power out for 5 hrs on Sunday as well.) Sorry for the long blab.
Love to you all. Andrea xo

Carol Kerfoot said...

Hey Cathy! I wondered if you had power or not. We were one of the lucky ones that had it but we were all so sick so thank goodness we got a bit of relief. Hopefully we wont have any trouble after Sundays storm. xx