Thursday, May 15, 2008

Look way up...way way up!

Here is our boy in the tree in our backyard! He has come a long way from the boy who wouldn't crawl on grass ;D

Cliff and I are totally amazed at the changes in the kids from last year to today! Amazing!


Sarah said...

Did he climb up there in his bare feet!? I swear kids have leather on their soles!

cathy said...

Yes, we have a house full of monkeys with bare feet just like their Mom LOL

Anonymous said...

Ummm - I'm not saying, just saying - did you see my busted kid? Trees are BAD. BAD BAD BAD. lol. (The little twerp was up in the same damned tree on Tuesday, cast and all, showing all his buddies the branch that busted and dropped him lol - what is it with boys?)

cathy said...

H: I sure did!! Freaky...FREAKY!!!! Boys will be boys!!!