Saturday, September 16, 2006

easy way

Our easy day, didn't turn out quite as easy as we expected. It started up with uncooperating kids, mix that with a lot of errands and that quite frankly equals disaster.

First appointment which was supposed to be at 9 ended up being almost 9:30. I had to call and tell Cliff's second appointment he was running late. Got him there a few minutes late. He got home, we made up some snack bags, got the bickering kids into the van. We got our fruits and veggies from the local market, Cameron saw a friend there from school and chatted for a bit. Cliff gets back in the van. We decide to treat ourselves to a 12 grain bagel with light cream cheese. I got a small ice cap made with milk. Cliff got a coffee with 1/1. We head to Wal*Mart. I go in, for 5 items...and wait in over a 20 minute line up. While I was inside, Cliff saw my cousins...who had just been through the busy line up. Headed to the bread store for the $1 dollar bin for grainy breads! And, the debit card does not work. I go in and try it, it does not work (*and discover in the process that Cliff didn't get his debit card back at the Tim Hortons) We put the bread on hold. Whip home by almost 2...give kids leftover pizza, carrots and sugar snap peas and a glass of milk. Literally I give Caroline a 2 minute feed, and we pack up some snacks for on route to go to see Pastor Terry about 45 mins away. We were 10 minutes late. I pride myself on being on time. I was so mad that we were 10 mins late. I apologized to him!

We sort out the details, and during our 40 minute visit this is what happens: Carly poops her pants, and I have to leave to rinse out undies, and the back of her dress, Catie steps in poop and I stick her feet in a sink to wash them off. Caroline starts crying because she is obviously very hungry...I hear her upstairs with Cliff. The kids run wild through the sanctuary (not very good) We get the kids back into the big hall and get them to clean up their mess which they did very well (thank goodness)

We get out of there, I change Caroline in the back of the vehicle, then I fed her in the car. We are talking 4 pm now. We get home and give the kids dinner etc. It was after 5 pm. Thankfully 4/5 went to bed at 7, and hopefully Caroline will go down before 1 am like she did last night. That was rough. She was asleep until her big sister Catie decided to bonk her head on hers 3x's in a row. Got to love a 2 year old.

Not quite the day we were expecting, I thought it would be a bit nicer, but nope. I guess it wasn't that bad. But I just wanted it to be restful for us all. Well, maybe tomorrow eh?!

Probably not. I have to attend to Caroline now. Try to feed and put her down. Hasn't been working lately. Why! Who knows.

1 comment:

Carol Kerfoot said...

I'm tired just reading that. And whats with Walmart not having more cash registers drives me bonkers.