Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fishy Cracker Frenzy

Wow. As if my day wasn't bad enough. It has gone from bad to worse. Like a bad horror flick. The kids asked for fishy cracker snack. I am like sure. That will be fine. I have Catie in bed, and the three olders eating fishies at the table. Caroline starts crying. Carly drops her fishy cracker bowl on the ground. I ask her to please clean them up. She cannot find the mini broom and dustpan. So she gets the full size one aka my cleaning tool out of the broom closet. Fine. I go I went our bedroom to FINALLY change Caroline out of her poopie diaper, as it leaked. I go wash her up. And get stuff ready so that I can sit down to feed her.

I come back into the kitchen to see that snack time has turned into lets crush up the crackers, and drop the plastic bowls on the floor and use the broom to shoot the bowls around the room. See what happens when I leave the room!

So, I ask them all to clean up the mess. I bring out the vacuum because seriously those fishies were everywhere. Cameron vacummed, and the girls "helped."

Wow. And to think it is only 11:23. Now Caroline needs another feed as she was "shortchanged" once again.

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