Sunday, July 30, 2006

Pop Can Heels! Pool Towel Outfits!

I was watching TV yesterday, and it was an old Kids in the Hall show, on the show one of the guys was parading around in pop can heels and towel outfits!!

It made me remember back to my childhood summers! Did you ever make pop can heels/shoes? In case you cannot remember doing that, you take a pop can put it on its side, step your heel into the middle, the pop can squishes and forms around your feet to make "heels" and then you walk around and dance around with them on!

I loved that, and I remember making dresses and ballgowns out of towels! What fun!

Childhood was so fun! Imagine having the time to think things up like that, and using all of that imagination!


Allyson said...

I still laugh when I think of those crushed pop cans -- I am visualizing them as I write this. They'd be left in the basement or on the back patio discarded and forgotten, ready for a refund.

cathy said...

Those were some good times Mom!