Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I got asked that question again today

"Are you having any more?" to which I responded, "Any more what?" and she answered "kids? are you going to have any more kids?" and I said, I would LOVE to have one more baby, but my husband is happy with the 5 kids we have. I told her I am on the waitlist for my veins, I am turning 35 on Saturday and I have been pregnant since I was 27. I think it is time for our family to move on. Although I told her, "Stranger things have happened!"

Sure I would do this all over again, even if my legs got 100 times worse! These past almost 8 years have been truly the best years so far, so yes. I would have a 6th. Even sweet Carly said the other day, I want you have a baby boy next. And I told her that Mommy and Daddy will not be having any more babies. She said there is room for "him" in the van. I thought to myself, look at my kids still OK with me having more?! Wow. Our kids have so much love in their hearts. I think that is so wonderful.


Mrs. Merriman said...

What is one more right?!?! LOL :D

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!

A dear friend of mine just had a baby girl after 4 boys. (Shouldn't say "just" she is already 6 months old!!) Anyways, she told me she CANNOT have any more kids because there is NO ROOM IN HER VAN!


Cute Carly!