Wednesday, October 04, 2006

So is 5 it?

Again, today I was asked this question? So, is 5 kids it?

I don't think I have been asked this questions twice in one day?! And I answered I think that 5 is it! And she said, you are going to have one more. lol. I guess they don't think I am that crazy lol. I told her my husband is happy with 5, and I would be delighted to have 6.


AmberW said...

Oh Cathy ---- gooooo for it!!! Andy said that he wants another baby... WHAT?!?! Well my tubes are tied so if he is serious then there is going to be quite the process. We'll see I guess. Do you think you can convince Cliff?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just have to tell you about a woman I work with. The story is not confidential, although I will not mention any names. But she has told many people and is quite open about it. Therefore I feel comfortable repeating the story for you.

She had 3 kids. When she was pregnant with the 3rd child she was convinced it was twins. She dreamed about it, she felt different in this pregnancy. But there was no specific or medical reason to believe the pregnancy was twins. She had the 3rd child and at the same time had her tubes tied.

Within a year she became pregnant for the 4th time and gave birth to a healthy baby boy by c-section. Of course all during her pregnancy she, her husband, and her doctors all figured the tubal ligation had been botched.

When they performed the c-section, the doctors checked to see what had gone wrong with the tubal ligation. It had not been botched at all. Her tubes were not connected. There was no medical reason that they could come up with, other than a miracle, that this woman could get pregnant. But she has four healthy kids. The youngest is around 13 years old.

Mrs. Merriman said...

That is AMAZING! What a great story.. thanks for sharing, Barb!

cathy said...

That is indeed a wonderful story~

Allyson said...

I like the idea Cathy and Cliff that you are in 7th Heaven, that is, in total! Nanny and Pappa don't have enough room around their tiny table in the kitchen!

cathy said...

Mom, even with Ape's baby there is not enough room. You are going to do a "Grannie and Pappa" with a card table for the kids like last year at Christmas!!
