Friday, June 09, 2006

Catie Girl 21 months old today?!



Catie Girl, how did you get so big?! I looked at the calendar today and realized you are now 21 months old! Wow. You do so much! You eat with a big people forks, and place settings. You say many words like Yellow, hi, hello, milk and bye bye. You also say Mommy and Daddy, Nannie, Pappa and Nonna and Grandpa! You try very hard to say say Lola instead!
You sing and dance like a performer. You laugh hard, and you keep us laughing! You love to be tickled and you can do so many things like help clean up, throw dirty diapers into the garbage pail, you can help unload the dishwasher! You can climb onto counters, your can say click when I buckle you into your carseat. You listen to me, you love to "read" books. You can count one, two, three! You are one amazing, happy girl! You are such a great big sister to your little sis Caroline! I love how you kiss her and touch her when you are gentle.

I love you baby will always be my baby Catie girl.


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