Thursday, June 29, 2006

Grade One - Check

Cameron finished his last day of Grade One! Wow. Summer holidays are officially here.

It is so hard to believe that our first born is going into Grade Two in September. Today was a fun day at school. I took the girls to go watch the local talent at the school Talent Show! Wow, it was so fun to watch all of the kids perform on the stage infront of their peers. Cameron didn't participate this year, but next year he said he would like to sing. So, we will see. A couple of his classmates performed. Everything from dancing to the sax to singing. A lot of talent out there. I don't think I would have the guts to go do something like that in front of my peers! The girls were having fun watching and of course Catie being the entertainer started dancing on the gym floor and the older kids were laughing and smiling at her. Too cute! I was laughing so hard, and I felt really proud of all of my kids at that point. They were so well behaved to sit (with healthy snacks) for way over an hour! Yay GIRLS!

Cameron did well on his report card, and I am so proud of him. He also received a certificate for reading 350 books during the year in his home reading program. He is reading levels are above many of his classmates and the teacher suggested him take the summer reading program at the library. I am going to check up on that. He also did well in Math! That is all good. I am not so good at math. So that makes me feel pleased too!

Happy Claps for Cameron!


Mrs. Merriman said...

YAY Cameron!!! High fives :D

Anonymous said...

Happy Claps and a Happy Dance for our wonderful Grandson. Cameron we are so proud of you. I will be at next year's final school performance with bells on!

Of course, all my little girls behaved well-they take after their mommy!

Congratulations one and all.
Love you,

cathy said...


We are proud of all of our kids.
