Friday, June 09, 2006

My Dream

I just remembered about my dream of Caroline Mae that I had on Claire's 5th bday. It was my dream of Caroline. Usually I have a dream or two, and usually the one closest to the birth is right. Well, I only had one dream, and this was it! I think it is cool!

I had a neat baby dream last night too. My first one of this baby. My Mom gave birth for me (I think that means she was trying to take away all of my pain of the pregnancy), and I went running to the hopital to find out what I had had. And the nurse says its a girl...and I run into the room and say "Caroline Mae" I love you. She was a beauty in my dream. Chubby with dark hair. I just held the baby and cried. She was everything I could imagine and more. And she was completely healthy as far as I could tell.

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